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martes, 2 de marzo de 2010

Incluyen al fenecido Oral Roberts en la lista de "ministros" masones


NEW WORLD ORDER:newworld.bmp (47230 bytes)

We have commented mostly the "religious aspect" of Masonry... but its goals are much wider, aiming, like any Union, to the betterment of the whole life of the member... and as modern "speculative Freemasonry" "to control" jobs, economics, politics, education, government, police, military, banks, communications, entertainment... to have a "cahsless society" controlled by the government...

... And all of this at a local level, but aiming at a "New World Order" to control a universal monetary system, a universal government, and a unified religion under the doctrines of Masonry.

These goals reminds us the "Anti-Christ" of the Bible: "They worshiped the beast... there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies... and he causes all, both great and small, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark" (Rev.13:4-5, 16-17)... and the Bible tells us that he who receives the "mark" will go to Hell (Rev.14:9-11).

- Today's technology is controlling the movements of millions of animals using microchips the size of 1/20 of a rice grain, implanted in the skin with a small needle, holding information equivalent to 20,000 pages: Canada has approved it for cattle. The European Community requires all livestock be implanted with micro chips. In Colorado Springs and other cities of America micro chips are replacing dog and cat tags.

- In a world where cash is eliminated and every financial transaction is done electronically, not only the credit cards can be used, but also your micro chip number, retinal readers, voice recognition systems, signature dynamics...

- Freemasonry is in decay today, but it may be one of the agents to do all of this for 42 months... it is coming!, warns us the Bible... but Christ is more powerful than 1,000 Anti-Christs!... don't you ever get the "mark" of the beast... with Jesus in your heart you have to be afraid of nothing, even the cashless society will keep on making you free and happy on earth, and you will eventually end up in eternal Heaven.

See Antichrist


The deception of Masonry is proverbial, even to the members... for the outsiders, it is still more deceptive: Often famous names, who never had anything to do with Masonry, are included in the "lists"... and many famous names included were only 33rd degree honorary members who never attended a meeting at the Lodge, but who used the Lodge for their selfish purposes, and the Lodge uses them as a good propaganda...

"Famous Masons": In the following cavalcade most of them were only "honorary members", who never even enter a Lodge:


- USA:
- 14 Presidents: Clinton, Ford, Truman, both Roosevelt, Jackson, Monroe, Washington... Not Masons: Bush, Reagan, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Nixon, Carter, Lincoln... (Johnson: Apprentice)
- 18 Vice-Presidents: Including Gore...
- 18 Senators: Dole, Byrd, Bentsen, Nunn, Helms, Goldwater, Kemp, Thurmond... Wallace...
- 76 members of the House of Representatives: Gingrich, Wright, Lott, Pepper, W. Ford, Rangel...
- 35 U.S. Supreme Court Justices: Out of the 9 members, in 1941: 5 to 4; in 1949: 8 to 1; in 1957: 6 to 3; in 1971: 5 to 4: Warren, Marshall...
- Generals Colin Powell, MacArthur, Doolittle.
- Declaration of Independence: 9 of the 56 signers. Franklin (helped to initiate Voltaire).

- England: Many Kings, Queens, and Prime Ministers, including Churchill, Duke of Windsor, of Kent, Prince Philip...

- Canada: 6 Prime Ministers: Diefenbaker...

- Australia: 10 Prime Ministers: Hawke...

- South Africa: Pik Botha...

- Other International Leaders: King Hussein of Egypt, Rabin of Israel, Arafat, Garibaldi, Bolivar, Marti, Villas, Zapata...

Religious Leaders:

Jesse Jackson, Oral Roberts, Robert Schuller, Louis Farrahkan, Vincent Peale, Geoffrey Fisher (Archbishop of Canterbury)... many Mormons: Smith, Young... many Rosicrucians...

- The Occult and Satanism: Aliester Crowley (magic, to destroy Christianity), Gardner (Wiccan, white witchcraft), Wescott (order of golden dawn), Helena Blavatsky (theosophy), Pike (satanist)...

Business and Economic Leaders:

The Rothschilds and the Rockefellers, H. Ford, W. Chrysler, A. Citroen, C. Hilton, J.C.Penny, C. Woodward, D. Thomas (Wendy's), Sanders (Kentucky Fried Chicken), M. Sachs (5th Ave.)...

Movie Actors and Directors:

Bob Hope, John Wayne, Louis Armstrong, Clark Gable, Tyrone Power, Danny Thomas, Al Jonson, Gene Autre, Casanova, Cecil B. DeMille, Walt Disney, Mayer (of Metro-Goldwin-Mayer), the 7 Ringling Brothers of the Circus, Houdini, Red Skelton, Collodi (Pinocchio), Lincoln (Tarzan), Roy Rogers, Nat King Cole, Oliver Hardy, Roy Clark, Jimmy Rodgers...

Musicians: Mozart, Beethoven, Handel, Haydn, Sibelius, Duke Ellington, Frank Lystz, Puccini...

Writers: Shakespeare, Voltaire, Kipling, Tolstoy, Pushkin, Doyle (Sherlock Holmes)...

Astronauts: John Gleen, Neil Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin, Cooper, Irwin... Lindbergh the aviator...

Founders: Booth (Salvation Army), Beard (Boy Scouts), Dunant (Red Cross), Sax (saxophone)...

Architects: Bartholdy (Statue of Liberty), Eifell (Paris Tower), Hoban (White House), Borglum (Mt. Rushmore), Smithson (Smithsonian Institute).

Medicine: Fleming (penicillin), Jenner (Small Pox), Mayo (Clinic in the USA)...

Sports: Dempsey, Sugar R. Robinson, Auerbach, Michael Jordan, Cy Yong, Willie Mays, Palmer.

"World Media": Newspapers, Radio, TV... an "enormous influence", Paul A. Fisher, of the military intelligence, lists in "Behind the Lodge Door" several founders, publishers, editors... Many members of the National Press Club of America, half of French periodicals...


Masonry exists in 164 countries, with 5 million members, 3 of them in the USA, with 250,000 on the Black "Prince Hall" (still rejected by most white lodges).

There are 33,700 Lodges worldwide:

- U.S.A.: 15,300 Lodges, with members in Ohio (220,000), Pennsylvania (206,000), South Carolina (206,000), California (188,000), Illinois (146,000), Michigan (111,000), Tennessee (96,000), Georgia (90,000), Illinois (88,000), Florida (83,000), South Carolina (75,000).
- England: 8,000 Lodges, 600,000 members.
- Canada: 1,600 Lodges, 180,000 members.
- Australia: 580 Lodges, 30,000 members.
- Italy: 560 Loges, 24,000 members.
- Germany: 400 Lodges, 21,000 members.
- Cuba: 300 Lodges, 20,000 members.
- Philippines: 200 Lodges, 15,000 members.

("Masonic World Guide", Henderson, 1990)

- Members of the Craft point to at least 160 organizations that require their members to also be initiates into Masonry, with numerous "offsprings".

- There are also several "Related Masonic Organizations", some of them already mentioned on the "Lodges, Rites".

New World Order Famous Masons Membership of Masonry

Freemasonry 1 Freemasonry 2