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domingo, 26 de julio de 2009

William Thomas pretende mostrar evidencias de que el clima puede ser usado como arma de guerra

El autor William Thomas pretende mostrar evidencias de que químicos lanzados al aire (chemtrails) por aviones son nocivos a la salud de las personas y la causa de enfermedades diversas.


Como si fuera poco, se ha hablado de la posibilidad de que los militares puedan estar usando emisiones de ondas hacia la ionosfera y alterando y cambiando la dinámica del clima. De esta forma el hombre podría provocar tornados, huracanes y fenómenos atmosféricos a voluntad.

Se ha dicho que esas emisiones de ondas pueden ser dirigidas hacia el suelo terrestre y a su vez provocar terremotos en diferentes lugares.

Dicho tema fue presentado en el canal 756 de History.com en un programa titulado: "That's impossible" ( ¡Eso es imposible!)


Un artículo sobre este tema aparece en:


Un breve fragmento del mismo :

What kind of damaging weather might be useful as military weapons? I think the following list might be possible candidates.

1. Earthquakes -- This phenomenon might be the most terrifying, since people cannot live without foundation. Entire city structures are based upon buildings having dependable foundations. Therefore, since the New World Order Plan envisions eliminating cities, we might expect that earthquakes would be a preferred weapon of choice. Severe earthquakes might result in the wholesale evacuation of cities.
2. Hurricanes and/or Typhoons -- Wind has proven to be such a devastating force that, once again, it might force large-scale evacuation of cities if the incidence of hurricanes were to become so regular as to render a city location untenable.
3. Flooding -- Rampaging waters are a huge force that threatens entire regions of the country. Since the goal is to force farmers out of business, or to return the most fertile farmlands back to "Nature" [which New Agers call 'Rewilding'], floods would be a most useful weapon. Flooding can also force farmers to miss an entire planting and growing season, thus reducing the amount of food available to a population. Most people think of a lack of food being caused by drought, when the reality is that flooding at the wrong time of the year can produce an equal loss of food production.

4. Drought -- Lack of water is more devastating to farming than flooding. Since the population growth of the past 60 years would not have been possible had it not been for the growth in food production, we might expect that drought might be a useful tool in persuading people of the need to drastically reduce population growth.

In both flooding and drought, we have the potential of totally devastating a people's way of life.

Remember that the overall goal of the New World Order Plan is to reduce the world's population by two-thirds, and to set aside over 50% of America and other nations that would not off limits to humans for using or residing. These same people, i.e., Gore, Clinton, Bush now have control both over the amount of emergency stocks of food and of Weather Control capabilities!

5. Tsunami Waves -- If someone would want to force people away from living on the coastline of any nation, consistent tsunami waves would be the ideal tool. This huge wave is totally devastating and terribly frightening.
6. Volcanoes -- Erupting volcanoes can also dramatically change the landscape of the region in which it is located. Nearby cities can, and have been, eliminated.
7. Tornadoes -- We have experienced such an increase in devastating tornado activity, one has to really wonder why.
8. Severe Heat over a long period of time -- Of course, this capability produces the Drought of which we speak, above, and probably should have been mentioned in conjunction with it. However, our nation is currently in the grip of unprecedented heat this summer. How many consecutive days of 100+ degree weather does it take for fertile and productive farmland to be turned into wasteland? Does anyone know? Are we about to find out?

Now, let us return back to this United Nations' treaty prohibiting the hostile, or military, use of Weather Modification capabilities.

The first page of this report simply sets forth the framework into which the treaty fits, and is generally not exciting. However, a couple of points jump out at you when you read it carefully.


1. HAARP -- This acronym stands for High-frequency Active Aurol Research Project. HAARP is a "secret undertaking that is not unlike the Manhattan Project which gave us the atomic bomb." ["Angles Don't Play This HAARP", by Dr. Nick Begich and Jeane Manning, Earthpulse Press, Alaska, 1995., p. 5.] HAARP irradiates the atmosphere with enormous levels of ELF radio waves. In addition to altering weather patterns and creating storms, HAARP is also known to change the way in which the human mind operates and even lower our resistance to disease. For now, we shall concentrate upon the Weather Control that HAARP gives our scientists.

HAARP towers look much like regular antenna towers but they specialize in ELF radio waves. While these types of towers are located in many parts of the world, America has constructed the largest array of towers in the world in Gakona, Alaska. These HAARP towers cover 40 acres, and are connected directly to a gas field, thus giving uninterrupted and cheap power to these fields. HAARP was fully functional in early 1993.

Incidentally, exactly how much ELF power can this HAARP array throw up into our atmosphere? HAARP in Alaska is created to "beam 1.7 gigawatts (billion watts) of radiated power into the ionosphere, the electrically charged layer above Earth's atmosphere." [Ibid., p. 8]

HAARP provides the ability to put "unprecedented amounts of power in the Earth's atmosphere at strategic locations and to maintain the power injection level, particularly if random pulsing is employed, in a manner far more precise and better controlled ... than the detonation of nuclear devices." [Ibid., p. 28]

HAARP is the "largest ionospheric heater in the world, located in a latitude most conducive to putting Eastland's invention into practice." {Ibid., page 29] Thus, Alaska provides just the right location on Earth for such an ionospheric heater that can be used to control and manipulate the weather as a weapon.

HAARP also differs from all other ionospheric heaters in the world. Whereas all other ionospheric heaters diffuse the ELF waves into the atmosphere, HAARP uniquely focuses the signal from many, if not all, the 40 acres of towers into one spot in the atmosphere! We will return to this unusual technology later, as we examine the ways in which this technology could be used to deliver many of the lying "signs and wonders" of Antichrist. Some scientists are worried that the military could actually punch a huge hole in the upper atmosphere with this unique focussing of such enormous amounts of power. If a hole were punched into the atmosphere, it would allow much greater amounts of sunlight to penetrate our world, thus possibly fulfilling prophecy in Revelation 16:8-9.

HAARP provides the capability to our military of creating weather by redirecting our upper level Jet Streams [Ibid., page 34-35]. We have already discussed the control of the Jet Stream, but here we see another author speaking of it.

2. GWEN -- Ground Wave Emergency Network -- These are huge towers that have as many as 100 copper wires fanning out at the base of the tower system underground. The Defense Department built these systems with the cover story that they would be useful for communication during and after a nuclear strike. But, that story will not hold up when you understand that a thermonuclear blast at the right altitude will completely fry all communications equipment, and will render it impossible to communicate by radio at all for several hours.

What GWEN towers really do is to work in conjunction with HAARP transmitters to create storms and alter weather patterns.

Now, let us examine how the 1993 flooding in the Midwest was created.

Did you know that God has placed huge "rivers of water" in our atmosphere? Reginald E. Newell of M.I.T. wrote in the "Geophysical Research Letters Journal" that rivers of water flow in the lower atmosphere. These "rivers" are not actually condensed water, but are vapors that really flow. In other words, man cannot see them, nor realize when he is flying an airplane through them. But, these vapor rivers are enormous. Their flows rival the actual flow on Earth of the mighty Amazon River. These rivers of vapor are 420 to 480 miles wide and up to 4,800 miles long. These rivers of water are 1.9 miles above the earth, and have volumes of 165 million kilograms of water [340 million pounds] per second.

Scientists further discovered that there are five (5) atmospheric rivers in the Northern Hemisphere and five (5) more in the Southern Hemisphere. Each of these 10 rivers carries these flow rates mentioned above. [Ibid., page 75]

Now that we know there are rivers of water 1.9 miles above the surface, and one or more of them transverse the United States, how does one best create a massive, 500-year flood? The easiest way, of course, would be to throw up a dam that would prevent the vapor river from going on its normal way, thus dumping huge amounts of water behind where it had been "damned" up!

The question of the hour is, how can one create a "dam" in the atmosphere? Scientists have discovered that ELF generation can cause an electronic dam to be created in the atmosphere! These electronic dams can divert or block these vapor rivers, causing huge amounts of rainfall to be dumped!

This artificial dam that was created to cause the 1993 massive floods was formed from a combination of the HAARP towers in Alaska and the GWEN electronic towers throughout the Midwest. Scientists left this ELF transmission on for 40 days and 40 nights, probably mocking the flood by which God destroyed the earth in the Book of Genesis. You know, this type of God-mocking is precisely the Method of Operation (M. O.) of the godless, New Age type of individual. Scientists involved in this operation must be feeling very smug by now, as they must literally feel that they control the Earth, not the God of the Bible.

Not too long after this flood had ended, we heard news reports about how silly it is for people to continually build and re-build in flood prone areas. Surely, these reports said, it would be wiser to not re-build homes in an area subject to flooding. Folks, that is Step #1 of the Six Step Attitudinal Change Plan, i.e., a radical idea proposed by a respected expert from a respected forum. After more of these devastating floods and other "natural" disasters, we will be hearing this rhetoric from none other than the President of the United States! This is the Plan!

Come to think of it, did we not hear the same story following Hurricane Andrew, and the beach erosion along the California and East Coasts? Of course, we did! These unprecedented storms are designed to persuade people that they must relocate to other, safer areas. Of course, these "safer" areas have already been selected and no one will have a say as to whether they want to move there.

Since this ELF technology can also create unlimited earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, I am more than a little upset to see that GWEN towers are located in California along the great earthquake faults and the volcanic areas of the Pacific Northwest. As I said in one of our earliest articles, it is one thing for a person to live in an earthquake prone area, thinking that they will just their chances with an earthquake killing them. After all, the chances of an earthquake occurring in just the right spot, at just the right time, to kill you and your family, are historically very low.

However, it is another matter entirely to think that you are living within the "rifle scope" of a military scientist, aiming the most terrifying weapon ever created right at you and your family! When you also realize the political New Age agenda under which these scientists and their military/political leadership are operating, you must realize that, just maybe, it is time to get out of that disaster prone area, locating wherever you want to relocate.

This is how Weather Warfare can create a massive, once-in-a-500-year flood.


We have proven beyond doubt that Weather Control - Weather Warfare is a reality! However, we understand that the "warfare" which scientists are waging is against the American people! After all, it is America which is the #1 Industrial country in the world, with the #1 consuming appetite in the world. In New Age thinking, America is the real threat to Mother Gaia (Earth), not Russia or any other nation. To this end, Americans must be convinced that we must dismantle our cities, move away from cities -- many of which are located on coastlands -- and accept a far more primitive level of living.

Since Americans are most definitely in love with their Industrial Civilization, you must ask yourself what on earth would move them to accept this draconian scenario. The only thing I can think of that would so move Americans is if their very life was at risk! Americans have to be convinced of three things:

1. They are going to be killed unless they accept the changes being broadcast from their President or from F.E.M.A.

2. "Mother Nature", or Goddess Gaia, or whatever you want to call Earth, is making it impossible to continue living where you are currently living or living according to the standard of living you are now enjoying.

3. Nature has gone absolutely crazy, creating a storm without equal that imperils a huge amount of North America, and they have only hours to flee.

With this in mind, let us now go to Part 3 -- North American Map of Disastrous Storms Eerily Correspond With the U.N. Biodiversity Reserves and Corridors Map!

We are truly at the moment in world history where the appearance of Antichrist is very close. This Weather Warfare capability places the forces of Antichrist [New Age] more in control of the basic functions of the world than ever before. We are truly closer to the point of Revelation, Chapter 6, than ever before. Indeed, the occult world is waiting for the appearance of their Superman, Antichrist, with bated breath. The End of the Age is truly upon us.

Are you spiritually ready? Is your family? Are you adequately protecting your loved ones? This is the reason for this ministry, to enable you to first understand the peril facing you, and then help you develop strategies to warn and protect your loved ones. Once you have been thoroughly trained, you can also use your knowledge as a means to open the door of discussion with an unsaved person. I have been able to use it many times, and have seen people come to Jesus Christ as a result. These perilous times are also a time when we can reach many souls for Jesus Christ, making an eternal difference.

If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, but have been very lukewarm in your spiritual walk with Him, you need to immediately ask Him for forgiveness and for renewal. He will instantly forgive you, and fill your heart with the joy of the Holy Spirit. Then, you need to begin a daily walk of prayer and personal Bible Study.

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, but have come to realize His reality and the approaching End of the Age, and want to accept His FREE Gift of Eternal Life, you can also do so now, in the privacy of your home. Once you accept Him as Savior, you are spiritually Born Again, and are as assured of Heaven as if you were already there. Then, you can rest assured that the Kingdom of Antichrist will not touch you spiritually.

Vea el artículo completo en:
